
Provider Spotlight: Dr. Sowjanya Bapani, Marshfield Clinic Health System 

Dr. Sowjanya Bapani’s journey as a hospitalist working with the Marshfield Clinic Home Recovery Care program began in 2016, when the program was still new….

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“I got better rest and I think the medication worked better too.” 

At the end of January, Virgina Mason Franciscan Health rolled out their brand-new Home Recovery Care program at St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma, WA….

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Rehabilitation Care at Home and its Value to Communities and Hospitals

In 2017 Contessa introduced a unique alternative to subacute rehabilitation (SAR) and traditional skilled nursing facilities (SNFs): our Rehabilitation Care at Home program. Now into…

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“I was very impressed. It is a very well-oiled machine, for sure.” 

Don and his wife Sally were no strangers to the symptoms caused by his congestive heart failure like shortness of breath, wheezing and fatigue, but…

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Palliative Care and its Role in Chronic Conditions

At its inception, palliative care was interwoven with the hospice movement, and because of this it is often perceived as solely a component of hospice…

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Understanding Comprehensive Care at Home

Since its inception in 2015, Contessa has been on the forefront of bringing advanced medical care to the home. It is no surprise, then, that…

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What Medical Conditions Does Contessa Treat at Home?

Over the past few years, we’ve seen a rapid shift in the prioritization of medical care at home programs. Clearly, COVID-19 was a big driver…

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How Contessa Solves Healthcare Fragmentation

Even as a physician, navigating a recent medication change took me two weeks of frustrating back and forth phone calls and messages to my doctor,…

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The Growing Patient Preference for Care at Home

For those of us in good health, spending time at home is something we largely take for granted. It is the hub of our everyday…

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